Zygor’s gold guide will undercut the competition by 5% or you can adjust these settings in the options. If you make changes and you need to check your pricing again simply click the appraise button to update the info. Simply drag the items you wish to sell into the posting slot and the guide will automatically price your items for you. Zygors inventory management tool will handle all of this for you. When it comes to selling items on the auction house the game offers no help in determining which items you should sell or what price to sell them at.

Simply speak with any auctioneer and the addon will automatically scan the auction house to give you the most up to date accurate and reliable results. There are a few third party addons that can do this but Zygor’s auction addon has all the scanning functionality built right in. In order for Zygor’s WoW gold and auction addon to work you will need to scan the auction house so your servers unique conditions and pricing info can be gathered and analyzed. With Zygor’s WoW gold and auction guide they have done this by adding a suite of inventory management tools that will help streamline your gold making experience. Stop using a bunch of confusing and time consuming 3rd party WoW Auction House addons and check out the new Zygor WoW Gold Addon now at Zygor’s World of Warcarft gold and auction guide is an extremely powerful tool all on its own, Zygor likes to go the extra mile and make things as easy and automated at they can be.