You grew up in impoverished conditions, so comfort of beds is inverted to you. Slightly increases the sight distance of Fast Travel and also the chances of Evading by 10%. Your Stamina will regenerate 20% faster at night, but 10% slower during the day. However, people will smell you a mile off, reducing your Stealth skill by 30%. When dirty, you'll have 50% more Charisma when talking to women. Rather than give in to the hatred fueled by the death of his boyhood, Henry decides to become a man and help in any way that he can against the ramifications of the assault on Skalitz.You'll last 30% longer without food, but as soon as you get hungry, the effects will be 20% worse. Along the way, Henry finds himself embroiled in the affairs of the great lords in the region. Henry's quest then becomes your own to exact vengeance upon those who destroyed his hometown, friends and family. When Skalitz is attacked, both of his parents are killed by the invading forces of Hungarian King Sigismund, led by Sir Markvart von Aulitz. Henry, a resdient of the castle town Skalitz, is the son of a renowned blacksmith. The year is 1403 and the Kingdom of Bohemia is about to be plunged into turmoil. Kingdom Come: Deliverance is an open-world RPG set in the last throes of the Middle Ages. It is a good idea to have a handful of these dried foods in your inventory to ensure that you are prepared for any sudden onset of hunger. Grocers, Bakers and Butchers offer the widest range of the heartiest fresh foods, while Traders offer dried foods which never expire. It is therefore recommended that you take up hunting to cook your own meat, or buy supplies from Traders, Grocers, Bakers and Butchers. You would need nothing more were it not for the fact that you can only eat from a cooking pot once before having to wait a few hours for it to be refilled. With the exception of trespassing on private property, you can eat from any cooking pot free of charge. Cooking pots are located throughout the world, concentrated in settlements and camps. The simplest, easiest and cheapest way is to eat from a cooking pot.

In terms of eating, there are a number of options to obtain sustenance. Clear out bandit camps if you are desperate to rest in the wilderness, but note that combat will be more difficult if you are low on energy.