I've tried everything, verifying the game cache, uninstalling Skyrim, checking the Steam Log for the hiccup and then attempting to repair it, nothing. Upon launching it for a third time, I receive the error "An error occurred while updating The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (disk write error)". This time, I begin to load a save game, and it freezes on the loading screen.

The first time it has a hiccup, just freezes, so I close it and launch it again. When I come back, Windows is done with the updates, and I launch Skyrim. I decide to restart, to download and then apply these updates. I notice there are updates for my OS (Windows 7 32 bit) waiting to begin next time my system restarts. Then I save, close Skyrim, and decide to go out for a bit. The mods ran and everything, no problems. Worked perfectly fine (If it matters, on Nexus, I use manual dowload and WinRAR). Most of them from the Workshop, some from Nexus.

Ran fine, even had my GeForce app optimize it.